Managing Partner, John Mullins
John Mullins is the former Group Chief Eexecutive of Bord Gais Eireann. John stewarded the company during its most transformative stage, converting the company into a modern day multi utility from its legacy gas base. John was responsible for one of the most successful consumer switching marketing programmes ever conducted in Ireland. The company's value grew most significantly over the period of John's leadership.
Prior to Bord Gais, John was CEO of Bioverda, Business Development Director of Greenstar, European Investment Director for ESBI and a Senior Consultant with PwC London.
John has a first class honours MBA from Smurfit Business School, an M. Eng.Sc and B.E. from UCC
John is a Fellow of Engineers Ireland
John is currently President of the Cork Chamber of Commerce.
Contact John at
Twitter: @jpemul06